Our cat in the hat Fıstık (Peanut) now has a brother named Fındık (Hazelnut). He somehow came to our office in one of our guys car (30 km in the engine hood, without burning). I couldnt let him go back to his street so we took 2nd cat in our home as a friend to Fıstık.

First night was very difficult for Fıstık, he all night long hrrrred and tssssed to the new comer. However the little one was really comfortable and didnt give us any difficult night like fıstık did when he came first. Few days later they get used to each other and their happy life continued.

For more pictures in flickr click here


  1. Aigul said...
    He is so cute isn't it?
    Aigul said...
    I mean Findik!

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