Fistik character!

Fistik is growing and he has his own features of character like any another cats have. He is very curious! He tries to be everywhere  and even participate in that.  For example when I am washing floor he likes to play with the swap and once he was  interested so much what is inside of my bucket that he jumped into it and sure he was wet. He likes to observe how I am ironing the clothes of my husband and for Fistik this is the most interesting thing. He tried even to touch the iron but then he realized it is too dangerous and now he is watching it from the distance. 

When I usually start to do my make up and just open my beautician, he immediately run to me and he is searching for the only thing  in this beautician - the big brush. He likes to play with it but I dont let him that's why it is so precious for him. He knows this is important for me and he needs to take it.

He is grown and now he can jump wherever he wants and just recently he used to jump to the kitchen sin and watching how I am washing the plates. He likes to look at running water  and he even tried to catche it. 

Fistik is very stubborn also and this feature make me dificcult to bring him up to be obedient. I don like when he jumps on our table and all the time I am beating and saing 'this is not good' but he repeats his actions. 

This is Fistik..

1 Comment:

  1. Eren said...
    Congratulations for your first post Aigul Hanım. I wish you will continue your writing career also in your blog not only in your diary.

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